Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Straight to my heart

The night before Kerys went skiing with the school to Austria we had a right old barney. She was SO stroppy, i was racing round like a blue arsed fly trying to pack and sort food for the journey and stuff, drop her to drama, pick her up, race to Matalan for some emergency jeans, race back home, cook dinner, finish packing... so yeah, we were both stressed which led to a blazing row.

I've spent a lot of money on the ski trip and she was behaving a little ungrateful to say the least. Not that I want a medal, I'm happy for her to go, but I don't want it to be taken for granted either you know?

I was nervous of my baby off skiing and excited at the same time.
She was excited, but nervous at the same time.

We apologised and hugged before sleepyhead hit they hay.

THE morning arrived - she was up bright and breezy, I helped her finish packing. Loaded the car and dropped he to school. We hugged for a long time and said our goodbyes. I went off to work and she went off on an adventure.

That night as I was getting into bed I found a note on my pillow the sneaky monkey. It brought tears to my eyes... it read:

3/4/09 8.20am
To Mum xxx
I love you
so much
and thank you.
Thank you sooo
much for Paying
for everything.
not just for
skiing but
I will miss you!
Love Kerys xxx

G got one too:

3/4/09 8.23am
To G xxx
for everything,
kindness, support and
I will miss you.
Kerys xxx

Bless her little heart xx

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